Monday, September 22, 2008


What happened to all the linens in the closet?

Oh yeah, silly me. Ethan made a trampoline on the stairs

Who would of thought? The funny thing is, his father and brother sat back and watched him do this. After the closet was empty he gathered anything that wasn't nailed down and added it to his collection.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lesson Learned

3 months ago we were lucky to meet a sweet 8 month old little baby boy, James. We welcomed him into our home and loved him like family. He touched our lives and changed each one of us in a different way. Sadly he left us this weekend and went home. We will miss him dearly and our lives are forever changed.

I have always looked at my trials and wonder why I have been blessed with them. I have a “problem solving” personality. So, when a hard time is upon me I look at it from all angles, try and see the positive, see what the best way to solve the problem is and analyze what I am suppose to learn from this experience so I don’t need to relearn it later in life. I have come to realize I am a slow learner and get to relearn things often.

This has been one of those life changing experiences that I will be learning from for years to come. I keep thinking of Christ and I feel a small glimpse of what he must go through. I know he is watching over us and loves us. He wants to help us when we are overwhelmed and are struggling with a heavy burden. Time and time again he has made it clear that he is here for us and yet we turn away to be alone with our hardship.

I can imagine the betrayal Christ’s must of felt when his good friend denies him 3 times. What an amazing example he is to us of forgiveness. Today I truly realized that Christ knows exactly how we feel when we are hurt, alone and sad. I have learned so much from this experience. It’s interesting that our painful experiences seem to be the ones we learn from the most.

James will always be in my heart and the lessons I have learned from him will always remind me of his sweet spirit.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Look at that face!

James is seriously so cute!! He is such a good baby. He sleeps like a champ, loves playing with the boys, good natured, and super curious. He is transitioning so well with our family. We love him to pieces!!


When we moved into our new house we moved away from Ethan's best friend, Kevin, who he played with everyday. Now they play on Saturdays. Above: Ethan is waiting patiently for Kevins arrival. They played from 9am til 7pm and still didn't think it was enough time together. It is so fun to watch them interact with each other.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Birthday boys!

Jeremy celebrated his 13th birthday. He's a teenager! Ethan turned 4 although he wanted to turn 5.

The boys got a Wii. Ethan is practicing guitar hero.

Ethan loves to color. He was happy that Grandma liz got him more art supplies.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A new addition

We have had an amazing miracle happen to our family. We are in the process of adopting 10 month old James. He is such a joy and blessing to our family. The boys adore him.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Our New Home

Boys bathroom

Jeremy's room. He loved getting a bed bigger then a twin.

The game room. The boys play video games and watch movies here.

Joel loves his new tv!

Living room and Kitchen

We are so excited to move into our new home, We love it!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aspen Groves

Our family had an amazing oppurtunity to go to Utah with friends and spend a week at Aspen Groves, a family camp. I highly recommend it. We swam, rock climbed, fished, paint ball, tennis, basketball, ate, napped, read and much more. It was one of my favorite vacations.

Ethan loved rock climbing.

Joel on the ropes course. It was REALLY high.

Repelling down with a little hesitance.

Our shy little Ethan busted out of his shell and tried all sorts of new things. He wanted to be on stage and sing with is pretend guitar. It was so cute.

They wanted to fish everyday with his homemade pole.